1.Neyakazvimirira inotenderera flywheel, inogona kushanda mumakona akamanikana.
2.Iyo gearbox iri pamusoro pekufamba-kumashure kwetrowel inovimbisa hupenyu hurefu hwebasa.
3.The heavy-duty design of the concrete floor trowel inovimbisa smearing effect.
4. Mubato unopeteka uri nyore kutakura uye kuchengeta.
5.Kureba kwemubato mumwe chete wetrowel unogona kugadziriswa kuti uve nechokwadi chekunyaradza kwekushanda uye kutonga nyore.
6. Cement floor trowel centrifugal safety switch inogona kuvhara injini kana muchina wacho usingadzoreki.